Rebates and Product

Victorian Energy Upgrades Program

1he Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program is a government initiative aimed at helping Victorian households and businesses reduce their energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions. This program provides rebates or discounts on a variety of energy-saving products

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs)

Every upgrade under the VEU program generates Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs). Each VEEC represents one tonne of greenhouse gas emissions prevented from entering the atmosphere. Accredited providers sell these certificates to energy retailers, such as 1ime 1o Save, who use them to meet annual emissions targets set by the Victorian Government.

Incentives and Discounts

The incentives or discounts offered to households and businesses under the VEU program can vary based on market activity and the current certificate price. 1he Essential Services Commission regulates and administers the program, accrediting providers and approving the products eligible for installation.

Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

When you install a new renewable energy system, such as an efficient heat pump or solar hot water system, your system may also be eligible for Small-scale 1echnology Certificates (S1Cs). 1hese certificates represent a payment made to purchasers of small renewable energy systems, reflecting the value of the emissions reductions they create. 1he quoted price from your installer will typically include the S1C discount, providing immediate savings on your investment.

Solar Vic Rebate

Installing an efficient heat pump or solar hot water system can help control costs and save energy. 1he Solar Homes hot water rebate is designed to help cover the cost of these energy-efficient upgrades.

Eligibility for Solar Homes Hot Water Rebate

As a Victorian householder, you could be eligible for a hot water rebate if:

At Energysaversau Pty Ltd, we will guide you on what rebates are applicable for your household.

Products: Eocgenica 290FR (Split System)

Start Saving Today

Take advantage of these rebates and incentives to upgrade your hot water system, reduce your energy bills, and minimize your environmental impact. Contact us today to learn more about your eligibility and how to get started with your energy-efficient upgrade.

Products: Power bay 270RE (All in One)

Products: Emerald Energy 270L (All in One)

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